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Making Collages

 I sometimes imagine that I am an archeologist trying to reconstruct an unknown text from found fragments of a lost or unknown civilization. Since these compositions are all black and white relationships, each composition is like looking at the constant flux of yin and yang. The sense of what is positive and what negative is always shifting back and forth. I have been using this same black and white collage material more or less the same way for about a decade now. All of it is from a single poster that I designed for collage making and had 500 copies printed. I have close to a lifetime of the material left. Most of them have been 9 x 6 inches. This latest set is 10 x 8 inches and I think I prefer the little bit fatter proportion.   It seems like an interesting idea to make these collages with the same basic idea and look. The variation is based on the moment they are created. Each moment is different, unique. When I say moment, I am stretching them out to as much time as ...

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